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July 18 2024 Variety - the Children's Charity of Alberta

5 reasons why your company needs to prioritize disability inclusion in the workplace 

In today's workforce, companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of inclusivity. While many organizations focus on diversity in terms of race, gender, and age, the topic of disability inclusion often remains overlooked. Individuals with disabilities deserve the opportunity to work in any environment they choose, with full accessibility and support. 

Access to a Larger Talent Pool: By actively recruiting and accommodating individuals with disabilities, companies gain access to a larger pool of talent. Many highly skilled and qualified individuals have disabilities, and by embracing diversity, companies can tap into this talent pool and benefit from the unique perspectives and experiences that individuals with disabilities bring to the table. 

Enhanced Innovation and Problem-Solving: Diversity fosters creativity and innovation within teams. When individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives collaborate, they bring new ideas and approaches to problem-solving. People with disabilities navigate the world in unique ways, which can lead to innovative solutions that benefit everyone in the workplace. 

Improved Employee Morale and Engagement: Creating an inclusive workplace culture where all employees feel valued and respected leads to higher levels of employee morale and engagement. When employees see that their company prioritizes diversity and inclusion, they are more likely to feel motivated and committed to their work. 

Enhanced Brand Reputation: Companies that demonstrate a commitment to disability inclusion not only attract talent but also enhance their brands reputation. Consumers expect businesses to prioritize social responsibility, and by respecting diversity and inclusion, companies can strengthen their brand image and appeal to a larger audience. 

Legal Compliance: In Canada, there are legal requirements for companies to provide reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities. By addressing disability inclusion in the workplace, companies ensure compliancy to laws and regulations 

What you can do:

Incorporating disability inclusion into the workplace isn't just the right thing to do, it is also a smart business decision. Connect with Variety Alberta and strengthen community relationships while supporting children living with disabilities and complex needs.

To learn more about Variety Alberta - the Children's Charity, visit