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Reach out to our membership engagement team:

Fill out our intake form here.

Or attend an event and meet us in person!

The purpose of the Calgary Chamber is to build a business community that thrives. We embody this purpose by fostering an inclusive and holistic ecosystem—one that doesn’t separate itself into different segments by industry.

Being a Chamber member gives you a badge of ownership and a vibrant network to belong to. We provide a Podium of Record, where we have a strong voice in critical conversations with policymakers about economic issues. We provide programs and expertise that will help businesses grow and thrive. As a Chamber, we are over 130 years old (three years older than Calgary!); our foundation was built on promoting a railroad for Calgary and we have never stopped advocating for a stronger Calgary business ecosystem.

Anyone can join the Chamber. We have membership levels that give access and resources to students, individuals, and entrepreneurs, as well as more robust plans for companies of all sizes, spanning all industries. The Chamber’s membership base is a truly diverse group of local business leaders and supporters.

That diversity lends credibility to the organization, as legislators and regulators understand our positions represent the whole business community—not just the special interests of one industry. You can meet and network with our members at any of our Chamber events!

Each of our different membership levels has been tailor-made to create a customized experience for your business—one that delivers value and makes you say, “That was totally worth it.”

Annual membership fees start at $50 for students, and max out at $50,000 for the most committed corporate members, so there’s a plan for everyone. Check out our membership page to learn about our different offerings.

Chamber event credits allow access to all our many events throughout the year. They act as a 1 for $1 currency to attend networking events, golf outings, summit presentations, and so much more.

For those who have been members for a while, you’ll be familiar with our old event specific ticket system. Credits work in the same way but allow you the flexibility to choose what works best for your business. You can use the credits to attend the events you want, and can also combine credits with monetary cash.

Each level of membership comes with its own unique set of benefits. Depending on your organizations size, stage of growth, exposure, and impact in the business community, members and prospective members will work with a member of our Membership Engagement team to decide what membership level is best for you and your business.

To understand how you can get the most value out of your Calgary Chamber membership, contact to speak to a member of our team.

About the Chamber

The Calgary Chamber is a member-based association that receives no annual funding from any level of government. We are funded through revenue generated by membership, events and sponsorship, advertising, and other ancillary services to the business community.

As a member-driven organization, we frequently survey our members to determine their priorities on key business issues, as well as to gauge their satisfaction with the programs and services they have access to.

The priorities of the Chamber members are recognized by most policymakers as the official agenda of the business community, and are used to help guide the work of our policy team.

The Calgary Chamber is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization that has acted as the primary connector between government and the local business community since our founding more than 130 years ago.

As a non-partisan organization representing a diverse group of businesses, the Chamber is recognized for its long-standing record of credibility. When we advocate for change on key issues to improve the business environment, government listens and—more often than any other pro-business organization in the city—we get results.

Joining your trade association is one of the smartest decisions you will ever make. They are your strongest advocate and representation that impacts only your industry.

However, in addition to industry-specific issues, you need an organization that can act as a strong advocate on your business’s behalf so that policymakers are aware of your concerns on issues that impact more than just your industry: taxation, labour code, climate leadership, municipal direction, and so much more. That’s where we come in.

We strongly recommend supporting both your trade association and the Calgary Chamber.

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