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July 22 2024

Calgary Chamber welcomes important milestone for the Event Centre

The following statement is attributable to Deborah Yedlin, President and CEO at the Calgary Chamber of Commerce:

“On behalf of the Calgary Chamber of Commerce and Calgary’s business community, I am thrilled to see the realization of this milestone for the City of Calgary, marking the beginning of Scotia Place in Calgary. The importance of investing and building best-in-class infrastructure cannot be understated, particularly as our population continues to grow rapidly. Infrastructure is an important lever for boosting productivity, growing the economy and contributing to the vibrancy and livability of our city. This project is another sign that Calgary is investing in itself, and its future.

“Building on the massive success of the BMO Centre, this Event Centre will continue to build Calgary’s reputation as an international host city for world-class conferences and events, unlock additional investments in surrounding infrastructure, create more opportunities for businesses and grow our economy.

“The collaborative efforts of the Government of Alberta, the City of Calgary, Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation and Calgary Stampede serves as a model for significant public-private partnerships that advance Calgary’s livability, diversification and reputation. The Event Center is a critical anchor investment in the expansion and revitalization of Calgary’s Rivers District and Culture + Entertainment District – and in the growth and vibrancy of the city overall.”

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About the Calgary Chamber of Commerce

The Calgary Chamber exists to help businesses reach their potential. As the convenor and catalyst for a vibrant, inclusive and prosperous business community, the Chamber works to build strength and resilience among its members and position Calgary as a magnet for talent, diversification and opportunity. As an independent, non-profit, non-partisan organization founded in 1891, we build on our history to serve and advocate for businesses of all sizes, in all sectors across the city.